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Teachers are more on teaching in a traditional way. Traditional assessments too are given like pencil-paper test. Technologies are seldom use during class discussions. As a motivation, they usually sing songs in relation to the topic. They also do that when teachers find the class very noisy or when the pupils get bored during class discussions.  

In regards to teaching materials, books serves as their paper worksheet because most of the activities are found in the book. But when they have assignments, some of it are done in the notebook or in the drawing book. Instructional materials are not commonly used when teaching.

When a teacher discusses a lesson, she/he makes sure that that lesson must have greater moral value to life because they don't want to teach pupils lesson that is not relevant to reality. Meaningful lessons must be taught always.


In evaluating the pupils, performance task is always given. Letting the pupils create something can help them be motivated to learn, try and discover new things. It keeps their mind active and hands busy.  



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